Pet Abillities

Some pets know an ability or two already when you tame them, but most pets need to be trained. In order to teach your pet a skill, you must first know it yourself. There are two ways for you to learn a pet ability: some abilities you can learn from a pet trainer in town, and some abilities you learn from taming creatures that already know the ability.


Learned from wild creatures:

  • Bite
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Cower
  • Dash
  • Dive
  • Fire Breath
  • Furious Howl
  • Gore
  • Lightning Breath
  • Poison Spit
  • Prowl
  • Scorpid Poison
  • Screech
  • Shell Shield
  • Thunderstomp
  • Warp


Learned from the trainer:

  • Arcane Resistance
  • Avoidance
  • Cobra Reflexes
  • Fire Resistance
  • Frost Resistance
  • Great Stamina
  • Growl
  • Natural Armor
  • Nature Resistance
  • Shadow Resistance